Gaming on the Cheap sans El Poster via San Diego

Hey folks! Long time no… anything.  Actually that was misleading, there have been plenty of “…”s here, mostly “…”s actually.

As you might of been able to tell by the slow trickling in of new blog posts this past month or so that weren’t random pictures of space or something else irreverent, I’m putting this blog back in motion.  All thrusters are go!  Actually thats too much of a commitment. Some thrusters are go!

I’ve graduated from college now and tend to have little a bit more money these days but luckily my cheap bastard instincts die hard.  I assure you there wont be too many current day big money ($60?!) games being discussed here but with my expanded resources that might be more common.  My tastes tend towards cheaper, more experimental indie games these days so let the cheap-bastardlyness continue! and you might just see something you might of never heard of before too.

I’ll try to squeeze in a few check this outs spotlighting some indie treasures before next week’s review to keep this old ghost house from getting too haunted but you should expect either a review of Bastion or Half Minute Hero next Friday.  Or even possibly a review of the first Darksiders game if you’re unfortunate (I sure am for playing the damn thing.)

See ya next week, peace be your journey brudda man.

-El Poster